Emanuel Schneck

Studied Physics at Technical University of Munich (TUM) and received his Ph.D. in 2010 from Heidelberg University. After postdoctoral assignments at TUM and the Free University of Berlin, he went to Institut Laue-Langevin (Grenoble, France) as a Marie Curie fellow in 2012. In 2014, he became research group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, supported by an Emmy-Noether grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Since 2019 Emanuel Schneck has been Professor of Physics at Technical University of Darmstadt. His current research is focused on biological and biotechnologically relevant soft interfaces and their investigation with x-ray and neutron scattering techniques as well as molecular simulations.

Prof. Dr. Emanuel Schneck

Soft Matter Biophysics

Department of Physics

TU Darmstadt

Hochschulstrasse 8

D-64289 Darmstadt

Phone: +49-(0)6151-16-20530 (Office, S2|04 105)

email: emanuel.schneck@pkm.tu-darmstadt.de
